Se­lec­tion char­ac­ter­i­sa­tion and mon­i­tor­ing of a dis­posal fa­cil­ity site

Investigation methods and equipment

Posiva has developed investigation methods and equipment that are needed in interdisciplinary site investigations and concept development.


  • Posiva Flow Log (PFL) provides a quick method to locating fractures very accurately and measuring the groundwater flow in them.
  • Posiva Flow Log (PFL) sampler provides a precise tool for taking a water sample from even one fracture in bedrock at a time.
  • Pressurised groundwater sampling (PAVE) is a method that enables the characterisation of dissolved gases and microbes in in-situ pressure groundwater.
  • Posiva's multi-packer system enables the measuring of hydraulic head and taking groundwater samples from each packer interval.

‍Using these methods, and many other, we can produce high-quality investigation data effectively for the Clients.